What are the consequences when we don’t change the cabin air filter?

Yingbin Xue
3 min readSep 19, 2022


Cabin air filters are the unsung heroes of enjoying a pleasant atmosphere during your drive. Most people don’t even know they exist. Just like any other filters on your vehicle, they have a job to do and that job gets them dirty. Proper cabin air filter maintenance means knowing when to clean a cabin air filter or identify when a new filter is due. Most vehicles made after 2000 have these filters, and manufacturers generally recommend replacing them every 15,000–20,000 miles or so, depending on routine driving conditions, or roughly once a year.

We always say that the beginning and end of Daylight Saving Time is a good time to consider replacing your car’s cockpit air filter. Unfortunately, many people do not act on this advice and ignore carriage air filters for longer periods of time. This may be because they do not understand the real dangers of doing so — partly because of the way air filters are marketed in carriages. If it doesn’t smell, why bother to replace it? Allow us to explain.

Go beyond clean air and fresh smells

Today, many brands sell cabin air filters on the assumption that no one wants to spend time in a smelly car if they can help it. This approach makes sense. I think most of us would agree that if a simple filter change could remedy the bad smell in the carriage, we would be willing to try a replacement for a reasonable price. This is an easy problem for customers and their passengers to solve because it is something they can relate to and understand directly.

Reduced climate-controlled airflow results in unsafe driving conditions

But what about the unseen dangers and effects that may only be noticed gradually or in certain modes of operation? The reality is that cockpit odor is not the most pressing problem drivers will face if they never change their cockpit air filters or if they don’t change them often enough. Of course, the musty smell of wet sports socks with a hint of musty odor is sure to bother me on my daily commute, but a windshield that doesn’t quickly defog or defrost would be even more daunting. Depending on the season or weather conditions, a clogged cabin air filter can be downright dangerous. Suddenly, a clean cockpit air filter was more about safety than comfort.

Damage to the car’s climate control system

The lack of airflow can be felt in the instrument panel vents after the compartment air filter is blocked, and will result in a lack of defrosting and defogging performance, as well as reduced air conditioning and heating functions. While these issues can certainly create unsafe driving conditions, there is another issue that customers should be aware of — and this issue is the additional pressure placed on the system’s blower motors. In extreme cases, a clogged filter can block air flow altogether — either causing the blower motor to malfunction or sucking the filter out of the housing along with all the debris it removes. This is the most serious risk for anyone who neglects to replace the cockpit air filter, as the result is an acute failure of an important vehicle safety system that will be very expensive to fix.

You know what they say about procrastination

Replacing a cabin air filter is not just about air quality — it is both a safety issue and a maintenance requirement for climate control systems. It’s easy to forget this seemingly insignificant part, but when it comes time to replace it, please don’t procrastinate. Not only will you be exposing yourself and your passengers to unnecessary air pollutants and possible illnesses, but you will also be putting your vehicle’s long-term health at risk. If you are an installer, make sure your customers understand the most serious risks of refusing cabin air filter service. We believe this is a very small price to pay to ensure the longevity of automotive climate control systems and their critical components. We recommend replacing the cabin air filters in both spring and fall. We’ve already moved the clocks forward, so what are you waiting for?

